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01727 833963 (MON - FRI   9AM - 1PM)

Fundraising Ideas A-Z


Ask – you’ll never know if you don’t!

Abseil – scale a local building

Aluminium Collection – collect empty cans and sell them to an Alupro aluminium can recycling depot. Contact for your nearest recycling site

Art – ask friends who are artists or photographers to donate their work, or approach local artists. Stage an exhibition and charge an entrance fee and commission

Auction – auction off original items, taking a percentage of sales


Be enthusiastic!

Bad tie day – charge your colleagues a pound to come in wearing their loudest tie. Award the winner

Baked bean bath – get sponsored to spend a day in a bath of beans!

Ball throwing – how far can you throw a ball?

Barbecue – charge for the burgers and sell drinks

Battle of the bands – Contest for unsigned bands. Charge entry and invite record producers

Beat the goalie – penalty shoot-out

Bingo – hold a one-off evening or regular morning sessions

Book sale – sell old books, collected from everyone you know. Second hand bookshops may buy left over stock

Bring and Buy Sale

Bungee jump


Cake stall – hold a cake stand at fairs. Check health and safety regulations

Cake baking contest or baking and selling cakes to friends/colleagues

Car Boot Sale – cash in your old belongings

Car wash – wash cars at shopping centres or office car parks

Christmas cards – enclose a flyer about your event with a reply slip for pledges

Coffee morning

Community Sunday brunch/picnic – in the village or school hall

Copper coins – collect 1p and 2p pieces from all of your friends


Donations – get companies to donate prizes and provide venues


Darts evening

Diet – get friends and colleagues to join you, £1 for pound!


DJ – ask any DJs you know to do the music for an event

Dog walking – charge your neighbours and friends for the service

Drawing competition

Dress down day at work

Drink – get sponsored to give up alcohol


Email all your friends and get them involved

Expert Talks – ask people to donate their time and expertise


Face painting

Family fun/sports day

Fashion show

Fair or fete

Fancy dress party – pay and win prizes

Film evening – recreate an evening of vintage cinema by showing classic films and musicals and charge an entrance fee

Football/Netball – sweepstake for tournaments with friends or at work


Gift Aid it!

Games – Twister, Jenga, Team Trivial Pursuit. Pay to enter with donated prizes

Garden party – sell tickets or invite  guest to make a donation

Gardening – offer your gardening services to friends and family

Go-karting – organise a work trip

Golf tournament

Greeting cards – make and sell cards for every occasion

Guess the number – e.g. guess how many sweets in the jar or how many pies you can eat!


Hair – cut people’s hair and get someone to shave off a treasured beard!

Halloween party

Horse racing – sweepstake at work


Involve everyone you know!

International themed evening – a buffet dinner, with each friend bringing a dish from a different culture

Ironing – offer your ironing services


Join in with an existing event in your community (e.g. a fun fair, school fete) and run a stall or activity

Jewellery making – buy your own beads and sell at a craft market or fete

Juggling – how long can you juggle or how many balls can you keep in the air?

Jumble sale


Karaoke night

Knitting – sell scarves, hats, ponchos


Left-handed day – try doing everything with your left hand for the day

Lent – get sponsored to give up chocolate!

Look-a-like contest


Make the most of your talents – make necklaces, sculptures or cook food to sell

Magic shows

Marathon – get sponsored to run 26.2 miles!

Massage – charge friends and family

Murder Mystery night – dress the part to make it more fun!

Music concert


News Year’s Eve party


Odd jobs – help out friends for cash

Outward bound


Press – tell your local paper what you are doing


Party! – 60s, 70s, 80s. Dress up!


Postage stamps – collect and sell stamps to dealers

Press-ups challenge

Private tuition – teach French or Flamenco, sell your skills 

Pub crawl

Persuade your boss to hold a fundraising day for team building purposes


Quiz night – get your local pub to help





Silence – get sponsored to keep quiet for a day!

Smoking – get sponsored to give up and get healthy!

Sponsored walk/bike ride

Sponsored skipping/hoola-hooping

Sponsored clean-up – the playground or the local park

Stars in their eyes – get your friends to dress up like someone famous

Static bike ride in the gym




Table tennis challenge

Talent contest – charge admission

Taxi your friends around at a fee!

Tea mornings – put the kettle on and get baking. Entertain guests with raffles and auctions

Ten pin bowling – bowling alleys sometimes have special rates

Toy sale

Treasure hunt – entry fee and donated prizes


Unwanted gifts – get friends to donate items and have a boot sale


Wacky ideas are the best

Wine & Cheese party – use homemade wine

Wine tasting – hold tasting sessions for wine companies

Work – Ask your workplace to match what you fundraise