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The QbCheck at ADD-vance


ADD-vance was the first certified provider of the QbCheck in Hertfordshire. The QbCheck uses objective data to measure the three core traits of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. This data can then be used to support ADHD diagnosis and treatment.  The QbCheck is available for children, young people and adults aged 7-60 years. 

What is QbCheck?
QbCheck is a computer-based test that accurately measures the core traits of ADHD. Developed in Sweden using well-documented technology from QbTech, the test taker’s results are analysed and compared to the results of individuals of the same age and gender, with and without ADHD.  The comparison makes it possible to predict the likelihood of ADHD based on objective data.  It has been tested on hundreds of thousands of patients across the world and is used by the NHS in many areas of the UK. The QbCheck is not a diagnosis by itself, but can be used as part of the assessment process.
What does QbCheck measure?

QbCheck measures the test taker’s movements, ability to pay attention and impulse control during a 15-20 minute test.

How long does QbCheck take?

The test itself is about 15 minutes for children aged between 7-11 years and 20 minutes for individuals aged 12-60. However, the full appointment may take up to 2 hours for each individual.

Why use QbCheck?

QbCheck provides qualified professionals with objective measurements of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention to aid in the assessment of ADHD and in the evaluation of treatment interventions in individuals with ADHD (e.g. pre and post medication). QbCheck results should be interpreted only by qualified ADD-vance professionals.

Where can the QbCheck be carried out?

QbCheck is carried out under controlled conditions which can be in a school, or clinic, by a member of the qualified and certified team of specialists at ADD-vance.

Who can apply for this service?

Referrals do not have to come via a GP and people can self-refer for the test. Individuals who already have a diagnosis of ADHD can also self-refer for the test to get a deeper understanding of their issues, or to monitor the effects of medication.

The individual and/or their family will be provided with a full explanation of the test results on the day pf the test and a full report will follow.

How do I apply for this service?

For further information and pricing structure please contact the ADD-vance team (details below). Referral forms can be downloaded below and sent to

To find out more, call us on 01727 833963 or email