One of the things that makes ADD-vance special is that all our team members are parents of neurodivergent children. We are unique in bringing a parent’s perspective and pragmatism to our work while all team members are qualified and trained in their specialist area, to ensure that all our services are provided to a high professional standard. Our team includes specialists from psychology, social work, teaching, nursing and more besides.
Robin is one of our original team of specialist coaches and provides supervision to all members of the team.
She is also a busy Mum to four beautiful children. Her eldest child was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD at the age of 8yrs, leading her to train as a specialist coach with ADD-vance. She recognises the challenges parents face with their children and aims to offer strategies that work for individual families and children, to improve family life as a whole, offering a fresh perspective without judging. Everyone can feel as though they’ve run out of ideas and sometimes may simply need a little support to regain the confidence in their own resourcefulness.
Dan is a Dad to 3 awesome, neurodivergent young people who all have a diagnosis of Autism and/or ADHD. Dan himself has a diagnosis of ADHD and is happy to bring his real-world experience to the table. Over the past decade, he has developed substantial understanding and appreciation of these conditions and how to relate them to different families on differing journeys and brings his experience and expertise in his role as Specialist Autism/ADHD Coach and Trainer. Dan is a clear and down to earth communicator, is also a full-time lecturer at a local College and brings care and compassion to his role.
Dan also has significant expertise in the EHCP process and maintenance, being part of the team (alongside Bridget) that transitioned them from Statements of SEN to Education, Health and Care plans as an Independent SEN Adviser. With his experience as both a parent and teacher, he is able to bring these together when supporting with EHCP applications.
Helen discovered ADD-vance almost 10 years ago when she was searching for help and advice to support her family. So inspired by the amazing team at ADD-vance, she was keen to be more involved, and subsequently trained to become a specialist coach. Helen really enjoys supporting parents by working on strategies around their specific needs, and helping to build their confidence to improve family life.
Jo first came to ADD-vance after both her children were diagnosed with a combination of ADHD and Autism, having previously worked as a primary school teacher. She expressed interest in joining the team as a coach and trainer and hasn’t looked back! Jo is passionate about all things ADHD and Autism. She is very open and honest about the delights and challenges that come with living in a neurodivergent family. She loves working with families along their journey, and helping them to feel confident and empowered, alongside working with schools to improve awareness and understanding.
Eleanor started her career working in IT in the City but then became a full time parent to two neurodivergent children who are now teenagers. She first became involved with ADD-vance when her eldest child was in the process of being diagnosed with Autism and ADHD almost a decade ago. Since then ADD-vance have continued to be a lifeline to Eleanor and she has been an active member of the ADD-vance community. Eleanor is passionate about empowering parents to advocate for their children and have the confidence they need to enable their children to thrive and achieve their full potential.
With a background in education, advocacy and mental health, Karen is passionate about ADD-vance training and coaching after its phenomenal impact on her own amazing, neurodivergent family. She focuses on identifying the strengths and passions of neurodivergent individuals and families, to enable healthier and happier outcomes.
Karen is diagnosed with Autism and ADHD herself. The combination of lived experience, reflective skills and extensive knowledge regarding neurodivergence provides a unique perspective. Her ability to relate theory to relevant real life practice enables families to move from helplessness to understanding, acceptance and hope.
Fiona has a background in language teaching and has worked as a classroom teacher in both primary and secondary settings for over 18 years. She first encountered ADD-vance 4 years ago when searching for help and advice to support her family. Seeing the potential to apply modern understanding of ADHD and Autism to make a real difference to children’s lives, she signed up for a post graduate certificate in special educational needs (Autism in children) at the University of Birmingham and has now decided to move her career into supporting children in the school environment. Fiona is passionate about sharing her experience as a teacher and her learning about ADHD and Autism and with other classroom professionals and thereby having a lasting impact on children’s wellbeing, confidence and learning.
Sophia is a mother of 4 amazing children most of whom are now young adults. Neurodivergence is sprinkled throughout her family and with a background in education, she has worked closely with neurodivergent young people and families for over 20 years. As a Trainer she supports people with coaching and by delivering courses and as a Drama specialist, Sophia’s love for all things theatrical means that when the camera has stopped rolling she can be found having a cheeky “Movement Break” or as others like to say, impromptu desk dancing.
Bridget is mother to three amazing, unique young men who all have diagnostic combinations of autism and ADHD. Over the past two decades, Bridget has developed substantial understanding and appreciation of these conditions, and brings her experience and expertise to bear in her role as Specialist Autism/ADHD Coach and Trainer. Bridget is a clear and empathic communicator, born from her first career in journalism, and brings compassion and care to her work with both parents and professionals. Bridget is particularly passionate about supporting parents in building on their skills, understanding and ability to support their children through the use of proven and well-tested strategies.
Bridget has a particular interest in SEN law. She is a trained IPSEA adviser and helped launch the government’s Independent Support programme in Hertfordshire in 2014, at the time of the SEN law reforms. This programme helped parents navigate the introduction of Education, Health and Care (EHCP) processes. Since the closure of the programme in 2018, Bridget brings her EHCP knowledge and expertise to parents as an Independent SEN Adviser, drawing on her extensive SEN legal training and also her own personal experiences as a parent of children with an EHCP.
Susanna, who is originally from Spain, has a wealth of experience teaching Spanish to adults and children in Hertfordshire for over 10 years. She came across ADD-vance when her son was 6 years old and has had a soft spot for the charity ever since. Susanna is a very caring person who is always keen to support the most vulnerable in the community. She also helps run a fantastic award-winning charity, Potential Kids, which supports neurodivergent children and their families in Hertfordshire.
She loves learning new things and is always prepared to help anyone that needs any support. Susanna is also a Mental Health First Aider and Trainer. She actively promotes the importance of self-care, practising yoga, tai chi and meditation. She loves travelling the world, having afternoon teas with her girlfriends in London and photographing sunrises and wildlife.
Amanda’s first introduction to ADD-vance was following her son’s diagnosis of Autism and ADHD in 2013. Via our courses and workshops, Amanda armed herself with as much information as possible and has been a keen supporter of ADD-vance ever since. Amanda is passionate about her work in supporting and celebrating the differences of neurodivergent adults in the work place and works closely with Potential Kids (a Hertfordshire based charity delivering social activities for children and young people with a learning difference). Amanda combines all of this with her role as a busy Mum to two beautiful, impeccably behaved children!
With a background in education and a passion for early years development, Annette brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in this area. She originally came to ADD-vance after her son was diagnosed with Autism, and now combines her knowledge of education with her first-hand experience to help and support other families.
Frances first came on an ADD-vance course more than 10 years ago when she was searching for support for her family and Googled ‘ADHD Herts’. With a background in journalism, she was shocked how little information and educational support there was about ADHD and Autism at that time and is forever grateful to ADD-vance for all the strategies and help she received.
Having then gone on to train as a specialist trainer and coach for ADD-vance, Frances is particularly passionate about the positives of ADHD and Autism. She is a patient and empathetic communicator and loves working with families and professionals to encourage understanding, transform attitudes and, as a result, help everyone with these conditions to reach their full potential.
Mel has a background in corporate training and development and like so many of us went into motherhood thinking she had everything sussed. When life threw a few curve balls at her and she ended up finding parenting more difficult than expected, she found fantastic support from local schools and charities (including ADD-vance) to help her bring out the best in her autistic daughter and really enjoy family life. She is absolutely passionate about the positive impact of parenting courses in helping to build a sense of community, provide a supportive place to share ideas and allow time for reflection. Mel has been involved with ADD-vance since 2010 and is one of the founding members for our sister group – Spectrum Girls.
Helen worked at a senior level in communications and marketing for over 25 years before deciding to change course with her career. She is a qualified coach and now works part time at Cranfield University as a degree apprentice coach, where she also delivers neurodiversity training to staff and employers. She is also training to become a counsellor.
Her first experience of ADD-vance was nearly 10 years ago when seeking help for her youngest child when he received an ADHD diagnosis. She attended the 6-week parents’ course (a true lifeline at the time!) and, in subsequent years, as other members of her family have also received ADHD and Autism diagnoses, she has regularly relied on ADD-vance for advice and training.
With her combination of lived experience and first-hand knowledge of the challenges neurodivergent people face in education and at work, Helen is passionate about sharing this experience and knowledge in order to empower young people – and those who support them – to thrive.
Regina believes passionately in helping the neurodivergent community. She has three children and has dedicated herself to care for her young son who is autistic and ADHD, enabling him to gain strong self-esteem via being his authentic self. She has navigated the legal system in
order to fight for his right to education. Regina wishes for equal opportunities for all individuals to lead full, successful and rewarding lives at home, work and the community.
Previously a sixth form teacher of Sociology and Psychology for 25 years, she is now a dedicated trainer at ADD-vance, having been initially supported invaluably by the charity. Her practical and empathetic approach aims to empower parents and professionals to
navigate the complexities and joys of Autism and ADHD.
Talia is a mum of two autistic boys. Through her journey of discovering her boys’ differences, her knowledge of Autism and ADHD grew along with her understanding of the many neurodivergent traits herself and her extended family have. Support from ADD-vance’s courses and peers enabled Talia to understand her family and parent in a different way which has given her a passion for wanting to help others in a similar position.
With a background in Business Improvement and Business Management, Talia started her own business as a Business Strategy Coach in 2018, helping determined women to succeed and become the expert in their field and is now excited to also be coaching families.
Debbie is a passionate believer in the importance of local charities and the benefits they provide to individuals and families. She has devoted her whole career to working in the Hertfordshire voluntary sector in agencies that support people to fulfill their potential. The work of ADD-vance and the impact it makes inspired her to join the team in 2020, where she feels she has been given the privilege of leading the charity into its next phase of success. Outside work, Debbie is a busy mum to her two children and when she is not being their taxi driver, she loves to bake anything with chocolate in.
Jennie has spent most of her career as an Economist in the Civil Service working in many different areas. She took a career break in 2016 to focus on family and having benefited from ADD-vance courses has recently joined ADD-vance as the Neurodiversity Services Manager. Outside of work Jennie is an avid tennis fan and has a very cuddly dog!
Laura is a brand specialist with over twenty years experience in the broadcast industry. Starting her career in television production at the BBC, her specialism in Childrens content took her into Brand Management for BBC Studios where she successfully oversaw BAFTA winning kids franchise brand Hey Duggee, among others.
Laura has first hand experience of ADD-vance’s services. Combining this knowledge with her professional experience, she is an advocate of educating parents and professionals in recognising neurodivergence in children and young people, helping them live their best lives.
Sarah lives in Welwyn Garden City with her husband and daughter, although she is originally from East London. After working in admin jobs for money brokers and accountants in the City of London for 11 years, she took a break in 2001 to get married and raise her daughter. Sarah was involved with Spectrum Girls (before it became part of ADD-vance), looking after emails and admin, and arranging social events for members.
Sarah loves travel, reading, film and going to the theatre. Her whole family are passionate about football, Sarah and her daughter are members at Tottenham Hotspur and love to go to games together. After volunteering for ADD-vance for 6 months in 2021, Sarah now looks after all of our social media.
Donna lives in Hertfordshire with her 3 children and chocolate lab and cocker spaniel. She first became aware of ADD-vance in October 2018 when she attended ADD-vance workshops and received parent coaching whilst her son and daughter were on the pathway to getting their Autism diagnosis.
Donna has a foundation degree in Early Years and Early Years SENDCo training. She is passionate about children/young people having their needs met and parents having their thoughts and feelings listened to. Donna has joined ADD-vance to offer families the advice and support that she valued so much at the beginning of her journey, to help with day to day battles and for parents/young people to know they are not alone.
Sam lives in Hatfield with her husband and 2 of their 5 beautiful boys and is neurodivergent herself. She loves spending time with her family, singing and living life to the full.
Sam was first introduced to ADD-vance when she had coaching for her family and has been navigating the SEN world for the past 25 years. She is passionate about supporting parents/carers of neurodivergent children and sharing the knowledge she has gained over the years to support them on this journey.
Claire has joined ADD-vance with a need to make a difference to families in Hertfordshire. Married for 27 years, and mum of two children now in their teens and a young adult, she remembers how emotional and isolating the journey is at times parenting a neurodivergent child. She is passionate about being there for other parents experiencing a similar journey and by providing support and advice, she wants families to see that they are not alone. Claire loves spending time with her family and friends, retail therapy is her downfall, spa days are a must and long walks with her dog Bear is her daily exercise.
Amanda came into contact with ADD-vance when she first suspected her son was autistic. She made use of the helpline (thanks Lisa!) and joined one of the 6 week courses, both of which proved invaluable in supporting her through those early years. Amanda has joined to provide that same support to other families – she knows first hand how isolating and overwhelming the journey can be, and also the relief and reassurance in talking to others in the same situation. ‘
Outside of work, she spends lots of time playing roblox and mario cart as her son’s special interest has influenced the whole family!
Catherine was first inspired to volunteer when she attended the 6 week parent Time Out course and the rest, as they say, is history. Catherine’s background in digital marketing and being Yorkshire in no way prepared her for the trials and tribulations of life as the parent of neurodivergent kids but like so many others has found that you become an expert pretty quickly! Catherine works behind the scenes on website improvements and other marketing projects.